Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sesame Almond Swirl

This month I chose Sesame Almond Swirl to bake with the Cake Slice bakers. I have been looking forward to baking all month long, I grabbed my list of ingredients and darted off to the grocery store. Amaretti biscuits is one of the ingredients I could not locate. I quickly decided I would leave this out, quite honestly didn't have the energy or time to hunt all over town for them.

I planned on baking this cake the next morning, so I grabbed my book as I headed to bed to review the baking instructions, just to make things go a little faster the next morning. As I read through the steps, I could not let go of the thought of my missing ingredient. I decided to search online for a recipe. I actually found a video that was quite helpful and seemed simple enough to make. So what did I do? Jumped out of bed and headed to the kitchen!

The cookie batter didn't turn out as thick as the recipes, it was more on the runny side. I think this had to do with the fact that I didn't use a food processor to grind my almond flour, the result was not as fine, I think this is why a lot of the liquid in the recipe wasn't absorbed. The cookies didn't rise like they should have. But the flavor was incredible! The texture was crisp and chewy.

I'm glad I didn't leave this ingredient out! The cake turned out flavorful, and had a great texture to it! Waking up on Sunday morning to a house filled with the aroma of sweet nutty cake is heavenly! Loved everything about this cake!
Please visit the Cake slice members for their monthly cake reveal!


  1. That looks so yummy Anabel, I was going to choose this cake but craved chocolate at the last minute. Great job!

  2. The recipe is interesting but while I do have the biscuit I was lacking the liqueur. You have fantastic results, as usual!

  3. Thank you, Anabel, for this post. Now my curiosity is piqued...Amaretti in cake? Yummm. Kudos to you for making your own =) Thank you, too, for so generously sending me the banana nut cake recipe so I could participate this month =)

  4. Your cake looks so light! Great job on not giving up on the ingredient.
    Do you have any World Markets up there? They might carry the Amaretti biscuits... maybe.

  5. You are one dedicated baker! This looks like one I might try.

  6. So creative that you made your own cookie for the cake. Looks wonderful and I'll bet the fragrance was to die for.

  7. I think making the amaretto cookies was well worth the effort!!! YUM!!!

  8. Look at you being so resourceful! The results look wonderful!
