Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Coconut Mango Butter Cookies: #CreativeCookieExchange

I'm not fond of roll out cookies. I don't have the patience to refrigerate the dough, or the patience to roll them out. And quite frankly I make a huge mess. HUGE. 

Or maybe it could just be that I have limited counter space. And the fact that every single time I make cutout cookies I just get grumpy wishing I had a gorgeous huge Island in the middle of my kitchen all to my self. With enough space to lay out all my utensils and cookie sheets. That's got to be the reason. 

For this reason I joined "Creative Cookie Exchange", to get me out of my comfort zone, and challenge me to test the stack of cookie recipes I've collected through out the years. I love being challenged each month with a different ingredient or theme.

This months theme was "Tropical Cookies"! I had a mason jar of Mango preserves I received recently for Christmas. And after the theme for February was announced I knew exactly how the preserves were going to be used up! 
The cookie is a butter cookie made with dessicated coconut, sandwiched with delicious Mango preserves, dipped in a powder sugar glaze and dessicated coconut. Delicious! They were almost too pretty to eat. 
Loved the cookie, despite the mess I made, and was happy I challenged myself with the recipe. I adapted the recipe from "YummyMummyClub". I left out the coconut extract in the glaze, and used half and half instead of milk.
It’s that time of year again, the time when many of us want to daydream about being somewhere else. A tropical treat is just the ticket! The Creative Cookie Exchange is going all tropical this February, and that could mean anything from fruit to spices to cut-out cookies. We’ve got you covered! You can also use us as a great resource for cookie recipes. Be sure to check out our Pinterest Board and our monthly posts (you can find all of them here at The Spiced Life). You will be able to find them the first Tuesday after the 15th of each month! Also, if you are looking for inspiration to get in the kitchen and start baking, check out what all of the hosting bloggers have made:


  1. I have to admit also that cutout cookies are my least favorite to do. I'd rather do drop ones. Just like you, CCE has made me get out of my comfort zone too. Lovely cookies you baked for this month's theme.

  2. I'm with you! Hate roll out cookies, but these look worth the effort! Delush.

  3. These cookies look and sound delicious ! And I m part of the hate-roll-out-cookies club. But i would love to try these when fresh mangoes are in season here in India.

  4. These look beautiful! I'm with you on the lack of love for roll-out cookies—and the lack of counter space and an island as well. A girl can dream though…with a couple of these cookies in hand.

  5. I might be the only one in the group who likes the roll out cookie process it seems! I like making everything uniform and then decorating them afterwards. I would trade a batch of cut out cookies for a dozen of these beauties you made, though! They scream "island" to me and are perfect for our theme this month.

  6. Mangos have got to be one of my favorite fruits come spring. We always pick some up when we're on our way to the Florida Keys so we can make mango coladas. :-) So when I saw your cookies I knew I was going to love them. They look beautiful no matter how much of a mess you made. lol I know just how you feel about a small kitchen with limited counter space (that's me too) but I bet they were worth it!

  7. I really wanted to make cookies with mangos this month. My grandkids love them, and I wanted to figure out how to use them. Thank you for this recipe!!!

  8. Great idea to use mango preserves. I love mangoes, and my kids do too, so I know they would love these cookies.

  9. I dream of one day having an amazing kitchen too, and like you I use every single surface when I am baking. Roll-out cookies tend to be something I shy away from because I am not the most experienced when it comes to decorating, but I love your idea of sandwiching them with preserves and coconut.

  10. Now these are seriously tropical! Great job! And I totally agree about rolling out cookies....
