Saturday, April 7, 2018

Luxe Pound Cake

The Cake Slice Bakers have been given a bonus book to bake from every month.  This month our bonus book choice is The Cake Book by Tish Boyle.

This decadent pound cake is made with three cups of sugar! Just a bit too sweet for me, but loved the crumb of the cake. The recipe also calls for vanilla and almond extract making the cake delicious! 

I would definitely make this recipe again, cutting back a cup of sugar. Hopefully it doesn’t alter the crumb of the cake. I want to be able to enjoy all the flavors without having a punch of sugar. This pound cake would be great to serve with macerated strawberries and fresh whip cream! 


  1. What a beautiful cake...such a nice, tight crumb and it looks moist, too. Less sugar may change the texture a bit, but it should still be alright since you clearly know how long to cream the butter and sugar :)

  2. Would you be so kind to give me the recipe? Thank you
